What’s the Real Story? #writing #writers

Normally I don’t share much about my Prankster Duo, namely because they believe its equivalent to sharing naked baby in the sink (or on the rug) pictures. Yet, this particular happening had me thinking about what writing really means to me. Here’s the background: One of my friends is mom to one of their friends. […]

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Time…sweet, sweet time #writinglife #writing

We’ve officially survived the first month of a new year. Everyone make it through? All limbs attached? *two arms-check, two legs-check, head-little wobbly, brain—-brain? BRAIN? Great we have a runner!* We’ve settled nicely into the new shack. Enough so that I’m finding it easier to write at home, rather than ditching the males and heading […]

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Writing outside the box #writingtips

We’ve all heard the term, “Think outside the box”, what about writing outside the plot box? Here’s the thing, there’s a sense of safety by staying within the structure of a pre-determined plot. You’ve done your pre-writing work, you have your characters, their motivations, their history, you’ve got your first third, second third, and last […]

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Why Outlining is Not in my Future #writingtips

Previously I did a post regarding writing rules and I mentioned they were not my friends. Let me introduce you to the one that drives me the most crazy, the one I’ve had to part ways with if I want to remain a partially sane writer–the outline. Now, there are many, many writers who swear […]

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