Cover Reveal: GRAVE CARGO! #uf #newrelease #coverreveal

I know things have been quiet around here, but I’ve been head down in edits and such as we get GRAVE CARGO ready for launch on August 25th. In fact, I wanted to share the gorgeousness that is the stunning cover by the brilliant minds at Deranged Doctors.

A dead mage, a missing friend, and an unpredictable alliance merge into a volatile package sending Rory careening through the Arcane elite’s deadly secrets.

Rory Costas, Arcane Transporter, is finally out from under the Guild’s thumb and ready to jump start her career as an independent contractor. Even better than the potential income, her promising future offers the additional perk of keeping her coveted magic out of the hands of the all-powerful Arcane Families. But when a dead mage drops at her doorstep on the same morning her best friend and roommate, Lena, goes missing, Rory is drawn out of her comfort zone and into an ominous race against time.

Retracing Lena’s convoluted path through the Arcane elite’s moneyed secrets, bitter vendettas, and lethal curses, Rory crashes into Zev Aslanov’s investigation of the murdered mage. When the Cordova Family’s enigmatic hunter reveals the dead man was Lena’s last client, Rory must convince Zev her missing friend is a victim, not a suspect. To uncover the truth and save her friend, Rory agrees to work with Zev, even though their uneasy partnership may mean revealing her hidden magic.

As the clock ticks down, can they dodge Zev’s suspicions and Rory’s secrets to expose the real evil mastermind or will they crash and burn?

Grave Cargo races into the Arcane Transporter urban fantasy series with a high-octane ride filled with unexpected turns.

Isn’t it gorgeous? I just love how it turned out. So if you want to nab it now, you can as it’s available for pre order. In the meantime, I’m finalizing edits so we can set up the print version. And for those wanting to know what’s next, I’m currently working on the next in series, RISKY GOODS.

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